It’s not enough to make it to Rotary meetings. It’s not enough to manage a single service project. It’s not enough to help our local community. In order to win the annual recognition by Rotary’s State-wide district, you have to be a Super Rotarian!
Rotary has five “avenues of service” in every club. “Club Service” is directly helping a person’s own club. Being a Greeter, supporting every club event, helping new members find their way. “Vocational Service” means sponsoring vocational outings for club members, helping our youth learn about job opportunities, helping workers work better in their jobs. “Community Service” is just what one would expect… beach clean-ups, backpacks filled with school supplies for needy students, feeding our Kupuna. “Youth Service” brings free books to Kindergarteners, student dictionaries to third graders and even renovating run-down classrooms. “International Service” supports projects around the world, creates opportunities for foreign youth to visit Hilo, promoting peace between cultures.
Wally Wong, a Rotarian since 1995, was awarded the annual District “Avenues of Service” Award for his outstanding work in ALL the five areas of service. Only one Rotarian out of 1,600 Hawaii members in 53 clubs around the islands is recognized annually for this prestigious award. The Rotary Club of Hilo is proud to acknowledge Wally’s dedicated work over his 27 years of Rotary membership. Ho'omaika'i 'ana, Wally!
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Wally Wong (holding the Rotary Award) is congratulated (l-r) by Beverly Heikes, Club President, Past District Governor Naomi Masuno., and Nancy Cabral, Past Club President. Only one Rotarian is awarded this honor each year out of all the 1600 plus members in the state. Congrats, Wally!